Thursday, July 19, 2007
Struck From On High
The other day I was thinking about buying a new hat. That old Simpson's one I've been using to cover my head was getting rather worn out. After looking for a store that sold cheap, yet fashionable hats I decided it was too much work and I really didn't want a new hat anyway. Then, as I headed downtown to get some food, I heard (and felt) an annoying splat. A bird had crapped on my head! Now, I'm not one who believes in omens or signs from above, but it was hard to deny that now I needed a new hat. I went to the Army surplus store and bought an antique WWI German helmet (with the spike on top!) and wear it everywhere with pride.

Ok, I lied. I bought a plain black army baseball style hat. I think it looks nice.

And, I should note that even though my hat took the brunt of the bird bomb, it did splatter all over the rest of my clothes. I pretended not to notice...

Fucking pigeons.


Blogger Queen Geek said...

Ah yes, the pretend not to notice strategy. Effective.

Too bad you aren't wearing a helmet around town, but a plain black baseball hat is good too.

Blogger Nichole D. said...

Bloooog... Moooore...

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